An alarming trend that plagues our country concerns the simultaneous increase in prison population and the high recidivism rates. One economic solution to reduce the recidivism rate and cost of incarceration is to provide relevant technical and postsecondary education. Since research confirms that every dollar invested in education returns more than two dollars to citizens in reduced prison costs (Steurer, Smith, and Tracy, 1997), Baker New Life’s prison initiative mission is to support prison re-entry programs and provide scholarships for women offenders and their children to pursue technical and postsecondary education.
The Baker New Life Prison initiative seeks to:
• Promote prison education and re-entry programs
• Provide scholarships for previously incarcerated women and their children who desire
xto pursue postsecondary education.
There is help for women who have been incarcerated. Organizations like the Georgia Justice Project help people as they are experiencing the judicial system as well as once they have been released from prison. The Georgia Justice Project defends people accused of crimes and stands with them while they rebuild their lives. The Georgia Justice Project achieves this by offering free legal services coupled with a full range of social and employment services.
Georgia Justice Project
The Georgia Innocence Project (GIP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit.
Georgia Innocence Project
There are also a number of videos available online which provides information regarding rehabilitation services. Click the button below to view some we’ve placed in our Video Gallery.
The Women In Prison Fact Sheet presents the set of data which outlines why this initiative is so important for our community. Click here to view the fact sheet.
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